Volunteer Voices Live: Volunteer Performance Evaluations and Expectations

When:  Oct 30, 2024 from 03:00 PM to 04:15 PM (ET)

Recruiting volunteers is not easy, so it can be difficult to evaluate the ones you do have. However, when done regularly and efficiently, volunteer evaluations can benefit both the department and the volunteer by highlighting strengths, showing areas in need of improvement, and offering an opportunity for one-on-one interactions between leadership and volunteers. Let’s discuss methods for evaluating volunteer performance, as well as how to reward top performing volunteers and how to help those who do not meet expectations to improve their performance.

This is a live interactive discussion via Zoom. Come prepared to share and learn from one another. We’d love to hear your voice and see your face while we learn more about volunteer evaluation, so if possible, please turn on your camera and be ready to turn on your microphone when you have something to share. Our discussion will not be recorded, but notes will be shared in Volunteer Voices after the session. 

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